engineer . tinkerer . father

Andreas Heimberger

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Built with Hugo

Upverter: Hardware Low Power

I tried to design a board with Upverter. Upverter is an online tool to draw schematics and layouts. There are multiple benefits of an online editor. Shared platform for components and the benefit to make reviews of the design within a team.

The board consists of an Ultra Low Power ARM Cortex-M3 MCU with 128 kB Flash and 32 MHz. The initial thought was to use the STM32W108HB which has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but because I have no experience with routing antennas I stopped this plan. Instead I decided to use an existing Bluetooth module from microchip the RN4020.

At the point of designing the board I have to say, that I can not recommend this on-line solution. Especially routing the board cost me a lot of energy.